Zheleznyak Sergey Vladimirovich

Context: Former deputy of the State Duma. He initiated the law on censorship on the Internet, the law on 'foreign agents,' the adoption of amendments to the law on rallies, and voted for the 'scoundrel law. Russian propagandist: politician; former member of the State Duma; frequent invited guest on Vladimir Solovyov's shows on Russia-1 and Vesti FM
Date of Birth: 30.07.1970
Category: corruption | ACF investigation subject | media/propaganda

Entity's connections

Zheleznyak Sergey VladimirovichVGTRK
Zheleznyak Anastasia SergeevnaZheleznyak Sergey Vladimirovich
Zheleznyak Ekaterina SergeevnaZheleznyak Sergey Vladimirovich
Zheleznyak Elizaveta SergeevnaZheleznyak Sergey Vladimirovich
Zheleznyak Irina ViktorovnaZheleznyak Sergey Vladimirovich
Zheleznyak Vasilisa SergeevnaZheleznyak Sergey Vladimirovich