Zaitsev Yury Viktorovich

Context: Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia until May 2022. Acting Head of the Republic of Mari El since May 2022. Manages a regional state body of the Russian Federation that supports or implements actions or policies that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.
Date of Birth: 16.12.1970
Category: local government

Entity's connections

Zaitsev Yury ViktorovichGovernment Of The Russian Federation
Fedorova Olga ViktorovnaZaitsev Yury Viktorovich
Kostenko Andrey NikolaevichZaitsev Yury Viktorovich
Salnikov Alexander AnatolyevichZaitsev Yury Viktorovich
Smirnov Anatoly VasilievichZaitsev Yury Viktorovich
Vasyutin Mikhail ZinovievichZaitsev Yury Viktorovich
Vorontsov Stepan AleksandrovichZaitsev Yury Viktorovich