Lyskova Lydia DmitrievnaLyskova Lydia DmitrievnaSlutsky Leonid EduardovichSlutsky Leonid EduardovichYushvaev Mardakhay YushvaevichYushvaev Mardakhay YushvaevichState DumaState DumaVolodin Vyacheslav ViktorovichVolodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich

Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich

Context: Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (lower house of the federal parliament). This state body is responsible for political and legal support of the aggressive war against Ukraine. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.
Date of Birth: 4.01.1968
Category: government | corruption | ACF investigation subject

Entity's connections

Slutsky Leonid EduardovichState Duma
Lyskova Lydia DmitrievnaSlutsky Leonid Eduardovich
Yushvaev Mardakhay YushvaevichSlutsky Leonid Eduardovich