Simonyan Margarita Simonovna

Context: Editor-in- chief of the RT channel, the Russia Today International News Agency since 2013, and the Sputnik news agency. One of the main Russian propagandist, one of the most influential mediamanagers, and one of the most influential legitimizers in the public’s eye of Russian domestic and foreign aggression. Russian propagandist: Editor-in-Chief of Russia Today (RT) TV Channel, state-owned Rossiya Segodnya Agency and Sputnik Information Agency Trusted representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Trusted representatives ensured the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who has pursued an aggressive policy against Ukraine since 2014, in the non-competitive presidential election on March 18, 2018.
Date of Birth: 06.04.1980
Category: corruption | ACF investigation subject | media/propaganda | presidential proxy in elections

Entity's connections

Simonyan Margarita SimonovnaPutin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Semyonov Alexey NikolaevichSimonyan Margarita Simonovna