Russkikh Aleksey Yuryevich

Context: Governor of Ulyanovsk Oblast. Manages a regional state body of the Russian Federation, which supports or implements actions or policies that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.
Date of Birth: 17.07.1968
Category: local government

Entity's connections

Russkikh Aleksey YuryevichGovernment Of The Russian Federation
Alekseeva Marina EvgenievnaRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Edel Igor OlegovichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Emirgamzaev Abdulgamide GasanovichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Kogtev Roman YurevichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Korobko Alexander MikhailovichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Kuchitz Sergey SergeevichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Lazarev Evgeny AleksandrovichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Malyshev Valery VasilievichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich
Razumkov Vladimir NikolaevichRusskikh Aleksey Yuryevich