Bobritsky Eduard VadimovichBobritsky Eduard VadimovichRakhmanov Alexey LvovichRakhmanov Alexey LvovichBuzinov Andrey VladimirovichBuzinov Andrey VladimirovichDikiy Alexei VadimovichDikiy Alexei Vadimovich7 more entities (Rakhmanov Alexey Lvovich)7 more entities (Rakhmanov Alexey Lvovich)JSC United Shipbuilding CorporationJSC United Shipbuilding CorporationGovernment Of The Russian FederationGovernment Of The Russian Federation

Rakhmanov Alexey Lvovich

Context: Member of the collegial executive body of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation Member of the Board of Directors of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation Person acting as the sole executive body of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation
Date of Birth: 18.07.1964
Category: major Russian company

Entity's connections

Rakhmanov Alexey LvovichJSC United Shipbuilding Corporation
Bobritsky Eduard VadimovichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Buzinov Andrey VladimirovichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Dikiy Alexei VadimovichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Fedorov Valery PetrovichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Korolev Vladimir IvanovichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Neygebauer Alexander YurevichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Pollyeva Jahan RejepovnaRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Pospelov Vladimir YakovlevichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Ruksha Vyacheslav VladimirovichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich
Shishkin Andrey NikolaevichRakhmanov Alexey Lvovich