Prilepin Yevgeny Nikolaevich

Context: Laureate of the Gold Medal named after A.S. Pushkin 'For Outstanding Contribution to Music Culture'. Laureate of the Gold Medal named after A.S. Pushkin 'For Outstanding Contribution to Literature', Co-Chairman of the Political Party 'Just Russia - For Truth. Signed an open letter of cultural figures expressing 'support for the decision of the President of Russia to launch a military operation to denazify Ukraine and protect the republics of Donbass'. Russian propagandist: writer; host of program “Zakhar Prilepin. Russian lessons” on NTV; member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Member of the Izborsk Club, which unites the ideologists of modern Russian authoritarianism and the war in Ukraine
Date of Birth: 07.07.1975
Category: media/propaganda

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Prilepin Yevgeny NikolaevichPutin Vladimir Vladimirovich