Popov Evgeny Georgievich

Context: Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (lower house of the federal parliament). This state body is responsible for political and legal support of the aggressive war against Ukraine. Influential Russian propagandist. Host of “60 Minutes” show on Rossiya-1 where he spread anti-Ukrainian propaganda and “Russian world” ideology, i.e., claiming that President Zelensky is about to start exterminating civilian populations. Since 2021 State Duma deputy. Russian propagandist: co-host of talk show 60 Minutes (with his wife Olga Skabeeva) on Russia 1 TV channel; deputy of the State Duma; deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications; deputy co-chairman of the Interparliamentary Group of the Russian Federation
Date of Birth: 11.09.1978
Category: government | corruption | ACF investigation subject | media/propaganda

Entity's connections

Popov Evgeny GeorgievichRussia-1