Moor Aleksandr Viktorovich

Context: Governor of Tyumen Oblast. Manages a regional state body of the Russian Federation, which supports or implements actions or policies that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. United Russia forms and implements Vladimir Putin's policy of aggression against territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.
Date of Birth: 06.01.1974
Category: local government | local political party

Entity's connections

Moor Aleksandr ViktorovichGovernment Of The Russian Federation
Bakiyev Eduard MunirovichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Cheimmetov Vladimir NikolaevichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Eremeeva Elena StanislavovnaMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Kiselev Andrei ValerievichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Korepanov Sergey EvgenievichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Kuznechevskyh Olga AleksandrovnaMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Panteleev Andrei VadimovichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Rider Alexey VladimirovichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Sarychev Sergey MikhailovichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Shustov Sergey ViktorovichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Teploukhova Larisa ZelmukhanovnaMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich
Vakhrin Vyacheslav MikhailovichMoor Aleksandr Viktorovich