Kabaeva Alina Maratovna

Context: Lobbying anti-democratic laws and initiatives, control over the country's leading propaganda media outlets, and nepotism. A former Olympic athlete, Alina Kabaeva is now one of the members of the Putin regime’s power Olympus. In June 2005, she, among other pop and sports stars, signed an infamous “Letter in support of the verdict to the former managers of the Yukos oil company” approving the politically motivated verdict to Khodorkovsky and Lebedev. As a State Duma deputy from the ruling United Russia party, Kabaeva successively followed the party’s fluctuations: the last bill she signed was about labeling NGOs critical of the Kremlin policies as “foreign agents”. This law, adopted in response to the growth of protest activity since 2011, marked a government attack on independent civil society structures, aiming at their discredit and creating legal prerequisites for their prosecution. Kabaeva voted for a few of these controversial laws that were speedily adopted in 2012 and 2013. Also, Alina Kabaeva participated in the creation of the so-called “Dima Yakovlev Law”, popularly called the “law of scoundrels”, which, among other things, forbade Americans to adopt Russian children, including those terminally ill. To ensure a full pursuit of E.O. 14024, she should be designated, for the purpose of being a spouse or an adult child of Vladimir Putin, a person whose property or interests in property are blocked for being a leader, official, senior executive officer, or member of the board of directors of the GoR.
Date of Birth: 12.05.1983
Category: corruption | ACF investigation subject

Entity's connections

Kabaeva Alina MaratovnaPutin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Ignatova Ekaterina SergeyevnaKabaeva Alina Maratovna
Kabaeva Lyubov MikhailovnaKabaeva Alina Maratovna