Babakov Alexander Mikhailovich

Context: Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. This state body is responsible for political and legal support of the aggressive war against Ukraine. Russian Legislator, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation’s Special Presidential Representative for Cooperation with Organizations representing Russians Living Abroad, voted “yes” on a Russian bill for the annexation of Crimea; allegedly orchestrated a covert Russian propaganda campaign in the United States in order to advance Russia’s malevolent political designs against Ukraine and other countries
Date of Birth: 08.02.1963
Event: Crimea 2014
Category: media/propaganda | government

Entity's connections

Babakov Alexander MikhailovichPutin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Prokhanov Alexander Andreevich (andreyevich)Babakov Alexander Mikhailovich
Plisyuk Mikhail AlekseyevichBabakov Alexander Mikhailovich
Vorobev Aleksandr NikolayevichBabakov Alexander Mikhailovich